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City Of Buda To Address Transportation Challenges With Master Plan

Staff Reports

Officials of the city of Buda hope to address transportation challenges with the development of the transportation and mobility master plan.

The city started the 12-month planning process in May with the goal of providing a comprehensive review of the city’s transportation system “to facilitate the development of a multi-modal network of roads, bicycle lanes, transit services and pedestrian facilities that adequately support existing and planned land uses of the city.”

The Buda City Council received a presentation and update on the planning process during their December 3, 2019 meeting.

According to John Nett, City Engineer, the city desires a transportation system that equally provides mobility to its residents and businesses as well as it’s visitors.  

Staff’s analysis shows the project is on schedule and on budget. The project team is wrapping up data collection, initial public input and review of previous plans including the Camp 2040 Model.

The city is scheduled to host more public engagement events in early 2020 when the draft recommendations are ready.

The council is expected to receive the draft report in March 2020 and the final report in April 2020.

The total value of the project is $155,544.

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