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City Council To Receive Update From SM Complete Count Committee

Staff Reports

The San Marcos City Council will receive a presentation and provide feedback regarding the San Marcos Complete Count Committee’s planned outreach efforts to promote the 2020 Census.

According to the agenda, in order to create awareness of the 2020 Census and to help communities engage and promote self-response among hard-to-count populations, the Census Bureau encourages tribal, state and local governments and municipalities, school districts, businesses, faith-based groups, the media and other key sectors of a community to work together and form a complete count committee.


Over four separate meetings, the CCC has worked to understand their target outreach audience and develop strategies to effectively promote the census and increase self-response amongst San Marcos residents.

The committee has developed a work plan outlining their strategic approach, planned activities, identified partners and a general timeline for outreach activities.

Committee members are slated to present the work plan to the council during their regular meeting.

In other news, the council will hold three public hearings and consider annexing property in the city’s ETJ into the city limits and consider amending the Official Zoning Map to rezoning one property Character District -3 and another Character District-5 on the first of two readings.

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