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City Of Buda Pet Registration Information

Buda City Council recently approved changes to the pet registration ordinance. Instead of a yearly pet registration, Buda Animal Control has now moved to a lifetime pet registration.

Currently, there is no cost to register your pet through September 30, 2020. 

All animals over the age of four (4) months must be implanted with a microchip and registered with the City of Buda. License and registration may be obtained at Buda Police Department located at 405 E. Loop St., Building 200 or online here.

Please submit the required documentation and answer all questions or your registration will not be processed. Again, there is currently no cost to register until September 30, 2020, and registration will be for the lifetime of the pet.

To register a dog or cat they must have current rabies vaccinations and an implanted microchip. City of Buda residents can obtain a microchip for free by scheduling an appointment with animal control here.

Pet owners must resubmit proof of rabies vaccination within two (2) weeks of the date of expiration. New proof of rabies vaccination must be submitted in person or by email to budaanimalcontrol@ci.buda.tx.us, failure to resubmit proof of current rabies vaccination within the required time may result in citations or revocation of the animal license. 

By obtaining a City of Buda Animal Registration you are ensuring your pets safety and well being, proper animal registration allows Animal Control to :

  • Locate the proper owner of the animal faster.
  • Helps to return a lost pet to you without ever leaving the city and going to the shelter.
  • Provides a point to contact for us to contact you should any health, safety or security issue arise concerning your animal.

You can view the new City of Buda Chapter 4 Ordinances relating to animals here.

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