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Governor Abbott Issues Statement On Austin Stabbing

AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott today issued the following statement after the stabbing of at least three people overnight in Austin:

City of Austin leaders has allowed lawlessness throughout the capital city that is resulting in violence against Austin residents, including those who are homeless. Thursday’s tragedy that left three injured is just the most recent instance of this violence. This rise in violence has corresponded with the revocation of the camping ban that the Austin City Council passed in June. Public endangerment and murder can no longer be tolerated because of the actions—and inactions—by city officials. Mayor Adler and the City Council should reinstate the camping ban and restore the rule of law in Austin. The city’s gamble on these reckless policies has been a loser and must end now.”

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  1. hallelujah.

    most likely gonna cause those poor vile people to move down to San Marcos where Denise Trauth will encourage them so long as they stay off her campus. i needa drink

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