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San Marcos Seeks Feedback On Mitigation, Recovery Funding

The City of San Marcos is hosting a community meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins St. to provide information and seek public comment on mitigation and recovery funding.

Residents will learn about the proposed draft Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Mitigation Action Plan and proposed amendments to the CDBG Action Plan for Disaster Recovery.

The public is invited to attend.

Mitigation Action Plan Status Update

The City has created a draft Mitigation Action Plan for the $24 million CDBG Mitigation Grant announced last year from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The plan incorporates public feedback from the recent priority spending survey and open house into a spending allocation strategy aimed at reducing future losses in areas impacted by the May and October 2015 floods.

The draft plan can be viewed online at www.sanmarcostx.gov/mitigation, and print copies are available for review at the San Marcos Public Library and City Hall.

Public feedback will be used in the drafting of the final Action Plan.

Disaster Recovery Action Plan Amendments

The City was awarded over $33 million in CDBG Disaster Recovery funds to address the impact of the floods of 2015.

The City is proposing to change one of the eligibility criteria for grant programs for single-family homes related to the two major 2015 floods.

The change would make the Disaster Recovery grant programs apply to any single-family home citywide that was affected by those two floods, instead of just the homes located in the 100-year floodplain.

Another proposed Disaster Recovery Action Plan amendment would change the Blanco-Riverine stormwater infrastructure project to be categorized as an “Acquisition” program instead of “Infrastructure Construction.”

With this change, the CDBG Disaster Recovery funding will be used to acquire land needed for the project, and construction will be funded with other sources.

Information about these proposals can be found online at www.smtxfloodrecovery.com  (Disaster Recovery) andwww.sanmarcostx.gov/mitigation (Mitigation) and on paper at the San Marcos Public Library, 625 E. Hopkins, and City Hall Lobby, 630 E. Hopkins.

The Activity Center is ADA accessible and a Spanish-speaking individual will be present to assist anyone with limited English proficiency.

Individuals who need auxiliary aids and services for this meeting should call 512.393.8000 or call Texas Relay Service (TRS) at 7-1-1. Requests can also be sent by e-mail to ADArequest@sanmarcostx.gov.

For more information contact Carol Griffith, Community Initiatives Administrator, at 512.393.8147 or by e-mail at cgriffith@sanmarcostx.gov.

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