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San Marcos Schedules Neighborhood Conversation

The City of San Marcos Neighborhood Commission is hosting a Neighborhood Conversation for Sector 9, which includes Hunter’s Hill, Willow Creek, and Kissing Tree on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 6 PM at Village Main, 215 S. Reimer Ave.

The event is open to the public.

Attendees will learn about city projects and programs impacting these neighborhoods and will have an opportunity to share feedback. 

“We look forward to this upcoming conversation with our neighbors,” said Lizbeth Dobbins, Neighborhood Commission Chair and Sector 9 Representative. “We enjoy listening and supporting our neighborhood to improve the present and to forge our future.”

Neighborhood Commissioners and City staff will be on-hand to answer questions and gather input. Additional Neighborhood Conversations will be scheduled throughout San Marcos in 2020.

For more information, please contact Neighborhood Enhancement Administrative Coordinator Tammy Strakos at tstrakos@sanmarcostx.gov.

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