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San Marcos Scores Fourth In Texas For Stormwater Treatment

Out of nine cities and one county ranked across the state, the City of San Marcos placed fourth on the Annual Environment Texas Stormwater Scorecard for 2020. 

The Scorecard evaluates stormwater management policies of local governments, particularly in how well they encourage Nature-based Infrastructure to prevent water pollution, mitigate flooding, alleviate drought and reduce urban heat. San Marcos scored fourth behind San Antonio, Austin and Harris County.  

“This is a significant acknowledgment from a non-profit monitoring group of the City’s conscious strides to protect water quality,” said the City’s Habitat Conservation Plan Manager Melani Howard. “Our ambitious goal is to one day lead the state in these efforts by implementing the most effective and innovative solutions for stormwater management.”

Environment Texas analyzed policies governing private development regulations, private development incentives and public initiatives to produce a score for each city and county.

San Marcos scored particularly high in the areas of private development maintenance requirements, stormwater detention requirements and regional collaboration.

The full report is available here. For more information, contact mhoward@sanmarcostx.gov.

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