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Alliance Water Release Update On Pipeline Project In Buda

Buda, Texas — In mid-February 2020, Smith Contracting began surveying the location for Alliance Water’s Phase 1A Segment B Pipeline project in and around the Old Black Colony Road area.

The project is a vital aspect of Alliance Water’s overall effort to deliver a new water supply to all of its customers.

Initially, the pipeline will be used as part of Alliance Water’s established water-sharing agreement and will eventually be utilized to deliver treated Carrizo-Wilcox groundwater to the City of Buda.

In the next two weeks, Smith Contracting will clear the easement of brush and trees.

The installation of erosion and sedimentation control best management practices (i.e. silt fence) and the actual trenching and installation of the pipeline is not anticipated to begin until the latter half of the Summer in 2020.

A more detailed timeline of activities in the area will be provided in the Summer as the heavy construction activity approaches and the schedule can be confirmed.

Find out more about Alliance Water at its website, www.alliancewater.org.

Below is a map of the project alignment.

• Read more about Buda and Alliance’s progress

Buda, Alliance Water Begin Phase 1A Segment B Pipeline Project

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