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Hays County Food Bank Changes Distribution Model Until Further Notice

The Hays County Food Bank has instituted a change in its distribution model to encourage social distancing.

Mallory Best, Hays County Food Bank Communications Coordinator, said, “While we haven’t had a mad rush yet, we anticipate the need to grow as more and more people are forced to stay home from work and are unable to provide for their families’ needs.”

1. All distributions will be bagged, open-air, and drive through with limited interpersonal contact. Distributions will remain at the same time and same locations, except for the March 18 night distribution.

It will be at the San Marcos (Lion’s Club) Recreation Hall at 170 Charles Austin Dr. at 6:00 PM. Officials will remind residents through social media.

2. If residents are sick, do not go to a distribution event. Designate a proxy to pick up on their behalf.

3. If residents are at a higher risk for contracting this virus (60+, have asthma, have COPD, etc.), please designate a proxy to pick up on their behalf.

4. Food Bank offices are closed to the public. Officials are accepting donations, but please give them a call to schedule a drop-off time at (512) 392-8300 x230. Residents can also donate online at https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/HaysCountyFoodBank_3/donate.html

5. The Food Bank needs shelf-stable items, specifically: canned meats (tuna, chicken, salmon), mixed veggies, fruits, soups, and tomato products. They are unable to pick up as much from HEB stores and Sam’s Club as the stores are unable to give the food bank much if anything, right now. Residents are asked to call to schedule their drop-off time.

6. The Food Bank needs hand soap, sanitizer, and gloves for their staff and volunteers to use at distributions to keep everyone as safe as possible.

7. All nutrition classes are canceled until the end of April.

8. If residents are healthy and would like to volunteer, the food bank needs their help. http://haysfoodbank.org/give-time.aspx

9. The Food Bank needs clean grocery bags (plastic, paper or reusable) to distribute food in. They can be dropped off at the food bank. All distributions right now are bagged, so if any organizations have bags they would like to donate, they would be incredibly grateful.

10. Check their phone system, social media, and website for any changes in distributions.

According to the Hays County Food Bank, the distribution model may change in the future, but it is unknown when; they will notify residents when it does.

Hays County Food Bank is committed to improving lives through food assistance programs, nutrition education, and advocacy.

It was founded in 1984 with the goal of serving hungry people in San Marcos. They have since grown and provide services to anyone in need in the area, regardless of address.


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