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San Marcos To Offer Remote Services As Public Lobbies, Counters Close

In order to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and per the Centers for Disease Control guidelines, the City of San Marcos is closing public-facing counters and most public facilities to entry from the public beginning Fri., March 20, 2020.

“Because of the current escalation level of the COVID-19 crisis, the City of San Marcos has enacted the closing of public lobbies and counters,” City Manager Bert Lumbreras said. “Such decisions are not made lightly. We use the best information from regional partners and trusted health organizations to protect the public and our employees from the spread of this virus.”

On Wednesday, March 18, the City and Hays County completed a limited opening of the Joint Emergency Operations Center and will keep this open for as long as is warranted. 

“Limited activation of the EOC allows all regional government partners to collaborate most effectively in one place,” Lumbreras said. “This coordination is especially important as the situation status is changing rapidly and we all want to make the best decisions for community health and allocation of resources.”

Currently, the City’s severity level is at a Level 4 which is an escalated scale of preparedness due to factors such as multiple cases of the virus in Hays County, potential illness rate, high to exceptional levels of media attention, international travel restrictions from the President of the United States, and non-government business closures or reduced hours.   

New City Closures:

Beginning Fri., March 20, lobbies and public counters of all City facilities will be closed to walk-in traffic. Some business with the public will continue to be conducted in City facilities but on a limited, by-appointment basis. Closure of City facilities will be in place until further notice.

Buildings that will be closing to the public include the San Marcos Electric Utility, the Municipal Building, City Hall, the Grant Harris, Jr. (Parks) building, the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter, the Tourism Information Center and the Main Street offices. 

Public areas and lobbies of fire and police stations are also closed.

The Library, Activity Center and Pool, Senior Center, and Discovery Center have been closed since Monday, Mar. 16.

Resident & Business Resources:

City staff will still be available to assist customers by phone and email, as many City services may be handled online or via phone. 

For a complete list of remote service options and department operating adjustments, visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/covid19info

Additional helpful information on this page includes resident resources, business resources, answers to frequently asked questions, and a copy of today’s Executive Order signed by Governor Greg Abbott.

For details and candidate information for the May 2 Special Elections for City Council Place 5, visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/specialelection.

Governor’s Order Details:

As of 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Mar. 20, the Governor’s Order is effective and continues until 11:59 p.m. on April 3, 2020:

  • Prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people;
  • Closes bars, restaurants, clubs & gyms (encourages drive-thru, take-out & food delivery);
  • Closes all schools; and
  • Prohibits visitation at nursing or retirement homes and long-term care facilities

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