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Hays CISD Postpones May 2020 Bond Election

Staff Reports

Hays CISD Board of Trustees voted 6-0 Monday to postpone their May Bond Election to November.

The Hays CISD trustee election races were all uncontested, and the board canceled the trustee election prior to the coronavirus pandemic declaring the uncontested candidates elected.

Hays CISD officials said trustees will take office for their new terms in May following the May 2 election date.

According to the Texas election code, school bond and trustee elections are considered separate elections.

More information on the Hays CISD Bond Election 2020 can be found here.

The order and supplemental information can be viewed below.

Hays CISD Order postponing election FINAL with Signatures
Hays-CISD Supplemental Information about Options

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