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San Marcos, Hays County Continue Updates To COVID-19 Dashboard

The City of San Marcos and Hays County continue to update and add new features to the informational dashboard that was jointly launched in March and allows the public to easily track COVID-19 statistics throughout the county.

The dashboard is updated twice daily by the Hays County Health Department and displays current statistics on:

  • Cases – active and recovered by city
  • Hospitalizations – current and released
  • Tests administered – total administered and those that tested negative for COVID-19
  • Total confirmed cases overtime – daily trend and bar charts

The dashboard also has features such as a map view showing case information by city; location charts; age range of patients; fatalities and more. Viewers will see the slimline version on the websites but may click on the menu in the top right corner of the dashboard to see the new full-page version.

“This is an invaluable tool created by our GIS Manager Jessica Neuner that allows us to share real-time COVID-19 health statistics on our website,” said Kristy Stark, Director of Communications & Intergovernmental Relations. “It’s easy to read and navigate and helps the public visualize the critical data that the County’s Health Department has worked so hard to collate and publish during this crisis.”

Since its launch in late March, the dashboard has had more than 200,000 views and averages 9,700 views per day.

This dashboard is just one of many informational tools San Marcos and Hays County are making available to help the public stay aware and keep safe during this unprecedented worldwide pandemic.

Residents are encouraged to visit the San Marcos website at sanmarcostx.gov/covid19info and Hays County’s website at https://hayscountytx.com/covid-19-information-for-hays-county-residents/ for the latest COVID-19 related information.

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