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San Marcos Continues Offering Inspections While Social Distancing

The City of San Marcos continues to conduct building, fire, code enforcement, health, and public infrastructure inspections while maintaining social distancing practices, utilizing personal protective equipment and offering video inspections for applicable projects.

“The inspection process is vital to maintaining safety in our community and ensuring residential, commercial, and public infrastructure projects continue on schedule,” said City Manager Bert Lumbreras. “The City has adjusted its processes per CDC guidelines to make inspections safer and more convenient for residents, contractors and staff.”

Planning and Development Services

The Planning and Development Services Department is offering a temporary service to citizens that allow City staff to conduct video inspections, via Skype, for most work completed in occupied homes. 

Full instructions are posted online at http://sanmarcostx.gov/3098/Inspections.

Fire Inspections

The San Marcos Fire Department’s (SMFD) Fire Prevention Division is now conducting several fire-related inspections via Skype.

The full list of inspections being offered through video, as well as instructions for scheduling the inspection, are posted online at http://sanmarcostx.gov/DocumentCenter/View/17837/COVID-19-Fire-Inspections.

Code Enforcement/Health Inspections

Currently, the Neighborhood Enhancement Department is only addressing more serious or imminent health and safety violations such as On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) malfunctions, sewer breaks/water contamination/cross-contamination, unsafe structures such as fire hazards and threats of imminent collapse, and food-born illness outbreaks.

For all other nuisance violations, officials are leaving courtesy reminders and not making in-person contact with residents to practice social distancing best practices. 

Public Infrastructure Inspections

Public infrastructure inspections are being conducted as normal as the majority of these are completed outdoors, but Engineering and Capital Improvement inspectors are maintaining social distancing and following other CDC recommended safety practices to avoid the transmission of COVID-19.

Builder Safety Procedures

Homebuilders are taking proactive steps to keep their job sites safe, including handwashing stations throughout each subdivision and contractor check-in areas complete with temperature checks and colored wristbands that alternate depending on the day. 

“We’re glad to see builders and other employers taking innovative measures to keep the COVID-19 disease from spreading on their job sites,” Lumbreras said.

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