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Hays County Commissioners Court Proclaims National Infant Immunization Week

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – On Tuesday the Hays County Commissioners Court proclaimed April 25 — May 2 as National Infant Immunization Week and thanked the Hays County Local Health Department for their work in keeping children safe by providing vaccinations for children and vaccination records that parents can easily access through the ImmTrac registry.

According to the proclamation, with proper and complete vaccinations, children can be protected against 14 vaccine-preventable diseases by the age of two, helping to prevent the outbreak of serious diseases like measles, mumps, and whooping cough (Pertussis).

Hays County Local Health Department Epidemiologist Eric Schneider told the Court:

National Infant Immunization Week is a week of observance highlighting the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases, and to celebrate the achievements of immunization programs that promote healthy communities throughout the United States.

When this annual event began in the early 90s, immunization programs were facing significant challenges.

The nation was in the midst of a serious measles outbreak and communities across the United State were seeing decreasing immunization rates among children.

Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Faulty research and social media have led uninformed parents to try to justify an anti-vaccine movement.

As a result, vaccination rates are beginning to dip again and outbreaks of potentially deadly diseases (other than COVID-19) are on the rise throughout our nation.

The Hays County Health Department wants to use National Infant Immunization Week to encourage parents to vaccinate your children on time and be sure to complete all of the recommended series of doses.

Persons who have questions about the efficacy or safety of vaccines can speak with anyone from our Department, with a Licensed Health Care Professional or conduct their own research – but look carefully at the sources of your information.

Health officials ask that everyone do their part to help protect their family, themselves, and their community.

Find out more about vaccinations for children and other services offered by the Live Oak Health Partners Community Clinic, co-located with the Hays County Local Health Department at 401 Broadway, San Marcos, call 512-805-5650 or visit https://www.liveoakhealthpartners.com/.

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