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Ethics Review Commission To Consider Amendments To SMTX Code Of Ethics

Staff Reports

On Wednesday, the San Marcos Ethics Review Commission will consider amendments to the City’s Code of Ethics.

Among the amendments but not limited to be discussed and considered include:

  • Amending the ethics ordinance complaint procedure under Section 2.444, to ensure the general policy cannot be cited as a complaint;
  • Amending the ethics ordinance complaint procedure under Section 2.444, to allow a description of a violation to suffice, if the complainant cannot find a specific provision in the ethics ordinance that constitutes a violation; and
  • Discuss Section 2.424(f) – Prohibited use of city position.

Commissioners will also review, discuss and take action, as appropriate, on Ethics Review Commission recommendations to City Council and the 2019 Annual Financial Disclosure Forms from Council, Council Appointees and Planning and Zoning Commissioners.

The San Marcos Ethics Commission will convene for a virtual meeting at 5:30 PM May 13.

No agenda packet with backup information was released to the public.


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