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SMTX City Council To Hold Public Hearing On 5-Year CDBG Plan

The San Marcos City Council will hold two Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) virtual public hearings at their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 19, at 6 PM to provide Council and the City with direction for moving forward on major housing and public service entitlement programs offered through the CDBG program.

2020-2024 Consolidated Plan

The Consolidated Plan is the guiding document for the City’s CDBG funds for the next five years.

It establishes the priority needs for CDBG funding and provides an analysis of housing needs, a summary of the City’s outreach activities, a housing market analysis and a strategic plan.

It is implemented through an annual Action Plan which names specific projects or programs to be funded.

The draft Consolidated Plan is currently available for public comment on the City’s website at http://sanmarcostx.gov/1130/5-Year-Consolidated-Plan.

2020-2024 Citizen Participation Plan

The purpose of the Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) is to establish a means by which residents of San Marcos, public agencies and other interested parties can actively participate in the creation, execution, and assessment of planning and implementation documents related to grants from the U.S.

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Because of changes to the CPP related to the new CDBG-Coronavirus grant, a comment period will be held May 24-30, 2020, prior to City Council’s voting on adoption of the CPP on June 2, 2020.

The revised draft Citizen Participation Plan will be available for public comment on the City’s website at http://sanmarcostx.gov/1130/5-Year-Consolidated-Plan from May 24-30, 2020.

The public hearings will be conducted via a virtual meeting. To view the meeting, please visit the following link: http://sanmarcostx.gov/421/City-Council-Videos-Archives.

Residents who wish to speak during the Public Hearing portion of the meeting must email citizencomment@sanmarcostx.gov prior to 12 PM the day of the meeting.

A call-in number will be provided for participation.

For more information contact Carol Griffith, Community Initiatives Administrator, at 512.393.8147 or by e-mail at cgriffith@sanmarcostx.gov.

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