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TEA Required Physical Fitness Assessment 2015-2016

Texas Education Code, §38.101 and §38.103, require the fitness levels of all public school students who are in grades 3-12 and enrolled in a physical education course or any physical education substitute course or activity be assessed at least once annually.



In 2007-2008, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) identified Fitnessgram®as the assessment tool to be used by all school districts. School districts and open-enrollment charter schools are required to submit the results of the assessment to the TEA each school year through FitnessGram 2015 or the Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative system.



The TEA has entered into a contract with US Games and The Cooper Institute to provide a two-year statewide license for Fitnessgram 2015 at no cost to schools. Districts and charter schools that elect to use FitnessGram are required to register with US Games in order to upgrade to Fitnessgram 2015.



The campus site license provides software access, information regarding updates to Fitnessgram 2015, and Fitnessgram media and training videos. Before accessing the system and entering data, the student information system (SIS) vendor extract must be approved by the Fitnessgram Help Desk.




Please visit http://www.fitnessgram.net/state/tx for instructions and registration information.




Districts that elect not to report the assessment data results via Fitnessgram 2015 must upload the data via the TEA’s Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative (PFAI) application. To access PFAI to upload assessment results, districts are required to set up a Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEASE) account through the TEASE gateway with a user name and password. Instructions for this process can be found athttp://www.tea.state.tx.us/pfai_tease.pdf.




The Fitnessgram 2015 and PFAI systems will open April 18, 2016. All fitness data submitted via Fitnessgram 2015 or the PFAI system for the 2015-2016 school year must be submitted on or before 5:00 pm (CDT) onJune 10, 2016.




Questions related to Fitnessgram 2015 and the campus site license should be directed to US Games by telephone at 1 (800) 327-0484 (ext. 2332) or by email at fitnessgram@usgames.com. For technical assistance questions, please email support@fitnessgram.net or call 1 (800) 416-5139.




Questions related to the PFAI application may be directed to TEA’s Curriculum Division by telephone at (512) 463-9581 or by email atpfaiprogramsupport@tea.texas.gov.




Aggregate physical fitness assessment data from previous school years are available at http://tea.texas.gov/index2.aspx?id=25769817461&menuid=25769804474.

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