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City Of Buda Accepting Human Services Grant Applications

The City of Buda is accepting Human Services Grant applications. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, June 3, 2020.

Applicants are asked to deliver the application to the Office of the City Clerk located at 405 E. Loop Street or via email to cityclerk@ci.buda.tx.us.  

A schedule for the Review Committee and City Council presentations will be provided once all submitted applications are reviewed for completeness.  

Applicants can contact the City Clerk at (512) 312-0084 for more information or questions. 

The City of Buda accepts grant requests for projects or programs that:

• Are likely to have an impact on the quality of life of a significant number of people in the Buda community.
• Address issues or problems that the City of Buda as a governmental agency does not currently address.
• Propose practical ways to address community issues and problems
• Stimulate others to participate in addressing community problems
• Are cooperative efforts and minimize or eliminate duplication of services
• Are sustainable over time

The City of Buda grants funds for projects and programs that address community needs in the following areas: arts and culture, education and training, community development/community service, environment, health, human services, recreation and animal-related services.

The City of Buda accepts grant requests only from organizations that are tax-exempt (or have applied for tax-exempt status) under Sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Apply here: Human Services Funding Application 

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