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A Weekend Of Protest And Mourning: George Floyd’s Death Spurs Demonstrations In Texas Cities

By Eddie Gaspar, Shelby Tauber, Pu Ying Huang and Miguel Gutierrez Jr. | Texas Tribune

Texans protested in Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Fort Worth throughout the weekend, spurred by the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in police custody Monday. Floyd had been a longtime resident of Houston’s Third Ward.

Footage from a now-viral video showed that Floyd died after a white officer kneeled on his neck long past the point when he lost consciousness.

Floyd was handcuffed and in police custody in Minneapolis when officer Derek Chauvin put him into the chokehold.

Chauvin has been fired from the Minneapolis force and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Three other police officers shown in the video alongside Chauvin were also fired.

Gov. Greg Abbott, who has denounced Floyd’s death as “a consequence of poor police work,” said Saturday more than 1,500 Texas Department of Public Safety officers had been dispatched to cities with protests. “As Texans exercise their First Amendment rights, it is imperative that order is maintained and private property is protected,” he said in a statement. He later said he was also activating the Texas National Guard to respond to protest violence.

Texans in Houston, Dallas, Killeen and Austin staged protests Friday and Saturday.

In Austin, protesters carried signs and chanted slogans about Mike Ramos, an unarmed man who was shot to death by police last month.

Austin Mayor Steve Adler said this month that he was “very disturbed” to see spectator video where “Ramos does not appear to threaten but ends up dead,” according to the Austin-American Statesman.

Photographers Eddie Gaspar and Miguel Gutierrez Jr. were in Austin on Saturday to document the demonstrations there, which started at the downtown police headquarters and moved onto Interstate 35, blocking traffic for more than an hour.

Austin police used bean bag rounds and pepper spray during the protests, and news footage showed people standing away from traffic and others holding only signs being hit.

“While most of the demonstrations have been peaceful, some protesters have thrown rocks, bricks, eggs, bottles and Molotov cocktails,” an Austin Police Department spokesperson told The Texas Tribune in an email. “They also attempted to take over areas of I-35 yesterday. In response, APD has utilized less lethal (bean bag) rounds and OC spray.”

Smaller protests, as well as clashes between crowds and Austin police, continued into the night.

At one point, demonstrators raised their hands and chanted, “Don’t shoot!” as officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets.

People broke into a downtown store as some demonstrators worked to stop the damage, the Austin American-Statesman reported.

Some set fires and threw fireworks while firefighters worked to extinguish them. One protester used a blanket to put out a small blaze, the Statesman reported.

“That’s a private citizen’s car,” he told the paper. “That has nothing to do with the police. We can have justice and peace.”

Texans in Houston, Dallas, Killeen and Austin staged protests Friday and Saturday.  Alana Rocha

Alex Samuels contributed reporting.

Disclosure: Austin Mayor Steve Adler, a former Texas Tribune board chairman, has been a financial supporter of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune’s journalism. Find a complete list of them here.

“A weekend of protest and mourning: George Floyd’s death spurs demonstrations in Texas cities” was first published by The Texas Tribune. 

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