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Tremendous Growth In Hays County Brings Changes To I-35

Kyle is the second-largest city in Hays County and it is experiencing exponential growth, with the population nearly doubling since 2010. The Mobility35 program will address the increase in traffic with the I-35 from Kyle Crossing to RM 150 project.

The northbound I-35 ramps between RM 150 and Kyle Crossing were not designed to handle current traffic volumes.

The I-35 from Kyle Crossing to RM 150 project will reverse the northbound I-35 ramps between Kyle Crossing and RM 150 to improve safety along the roadway.

The project will also reconstruct the existing northbound frontage road between FM 1626 and RM 150 to add an auxiliary lane between Kyle Crossing and FM 1626 and build a new bridge over Plum Creek between the two reversed ramps. The project is expected to break ground in mid-2020.

Construction cost for the I-35 from Kyle Crossing to RM 150 project is $30 million. The project is funded by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and TxDOT.

The project is anticipated to be complete in early 2022. The contractor is Hunter Industries, Ltd.

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