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County Judge Amends Order #4 To Mirror Governor’s Latest Executive Order

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Amid the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra modified his Order #4 that went into effect June 22.

The order, among other provisions, requires people to wear masks or face coverings in public places and is in place until July 20.

The amended Order will now also prohibit outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people in the unincorporated areas of Hays County unless otherwise permitted by recent Governor’s Orders.

“This Amendment to Order #4 is one additional way we can help slow the spread of the virus,” Becerra said. “Large gatherings provide an opportunity for COVID-19, which is highly contagious, to be rapidly transmitted to many others within a short timeframe.”

Becerra added that limiting trips/travel/outings, washing hands frequently and staying at least six feet apart from others remain the best ways to slow the spread.

“I’m asking all Hays County residents to do their part to protect the most vulnerable in our community,” he said.

Below is the language from the Amended Order:

Outdoor Gatherings of 100 People or More in the Unincorporated Areas

Gatherings, in the unincorporated areas of Hays County, of 100 people or more, unless otherwise authorized by the Executive Order(s) of Governor Greg Abbott, are prohibited and shall not be authorized by the Hays County Judge.

In accordance with the limitations contained in the executive orders of Governor Greg Abbott, any peace officer or other person with lawful authority is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this Amendment in accordance with the authority granted under the Texas Disaster Act of 1975.

1st Amendment to 4th Order (executed)

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