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Hays County’s New Public Safety Building One Step Closer To Completion

Corridor News

The new Public Safety Building is one step closer to completion after Tuesday’s commissioner’s meeting. 

The Hays County Commissioners Court approved unanimously to authorize the purchase of furniture, fixture and equipment for the PSB building.

According to the agenda, the Public Safety Bond Executive Committee, project management team and purchasing have reviewed quotes pertaining to the Public Safety Bond FFE for the building and are ready to move forward with the purchases.  

The total cost of the items is $891,417.59; funds will be provided through the Public Safety Bond.

Last week, the Hays County Commissioners Court received an update on the Public Safety Bond from the project management team.

The Public Safety Building is expected to reach final completion by August 24, 2020.

Pages 83 to 203 of Tuesday’s agenda packet detail the full list of items to be purchased.

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