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San Marcos City Council To Discuss Curbside Pickup Parking Space Installation

Corridor Staff

On Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council will receive a presentation and hold a discussion regarding Recommendation Resolution Number 2020-2021 of the Main Street Advisory Board.

The discussion will be focused on the emergency installation of curbside pickup parking spaces for COVID-19 small business operations.

According to the agenda, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic mandated closures, Main Street assisted downtown businesses by creating temporary Curbside Parking signs.

Over 100 businesses were closed initially due to state stay home orders, and curbside pickup was one of the few mechanisms by which businesses could operate.

The agenda states that signs were laminated and taped to traffic cones as a temporary measure to encourage customers to purchase retail goods, meals and services from downtown businesses while maintaining distancing.

A downtown business owner and Main Street Advisory Board Member, requested in June that the short-term project be a long-term effort.

After discussion at the board level, the Main Street Advisory Board supported the installation of pole and sign curbside pickup signage, and drafted a recommendation to Council requesting support.

According to the agenda, the installation of signage for curbside parking spaces is intended as a measure to encourage curbside pickup of businesses within downtown.

The San Marcos City Council will meet at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, July 7.

Persons wishing to speak during the citizen comment period please submit their written comments to citizencomment@sanmarcostx.gov no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

The first 10 comments will be read aloud during the citizen comment portion of the meeting. Comments shall have a time limit of three minutes each.

Any threatening, defamatory or other similar comments prohibited by Chapter 2 of the San Marcos City Code will not be read.

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