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San Marcos Main Street Program To Move Locations

This month the City of San Marcos Main Street Program is moving a few blocks from their current location, near the square, to a building at the entrance to downtown at 202 North CM Allen Parkway that also houses the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce.

“This move will allow Main Street to collaborate more closely with the Chamber of Commerce and the City’s Economic Development and Business Development Manager Scott Hardwick on the upcoming CDBG grant program for small businesses,” said Rebecca Ybarra-Ramirez, Director of Destination Services.

The new location brings the Main Street offices within walking distance of City Hall Municipal Offices, puts them right next door to the Grant Harris Building with Parks staff, and offers a major increase in parking availability for visitors. It will additionally offer increased space for meetings and small workshops.

“This new location will help us launch many of our other creative initiatives to support the local business community by opening up access to our staff,” said Downtown Coordinator Josie Falletta. “We are beyond excited to jump into this new collaborative phase of progress and recovery in San Marcos.”

The new location is expected to open Saturday, Aug. 1, although in-person services may be limited due to the ongoing pandemic and service restrictions.

For more information about Main Street and the new location, follow @DowntownSMTX on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or email mainstreet@sanmarcostx.gov.

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