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Hays CISD Back To School Plan – Stronger Together

Corridor Staff

On Thursday, July 16, the Hays CISD Superintendent Dr. Eric Wright presented the district’s reopening plan to the board of trustees. 

The presentation took place at a special meeting following the board’s decision to retire the Hays Highs School Rebel Mascot. 

Last week, the Texas Education Agency issued additional guidance and instructions to districts on how to reopen safely.

Dr. Wright said he really wanted to thank the reopening taskforce, which was made up of the district leadership team, who asked great questions and provided a great opportunity for the administration to reflect. 

One of the key points of the plan is the change of the district calendar. In an effort to allow hospitalizations and COVID numbers to decrease, the district has pushed back the return date to after Labor Day. 

For information on registration for the 2020-2021 school year, check out the Hays CISD website here

The full plan can be read below. The plan is expected to be available in Spanish soon. 


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  1. So in the space of a week we went from:
    – Reopen, on-time, with minimal restrictions. Too…
    – Delay reopening 3 weeks. Too…
    – Delay reopening 4 weeks. Too…
    – Go ahead and push that back to 2 months.

    So many districts will not be reopening until Halloween. Just in time to run an on-campus touch & go before Thanksgiving. Then claiming a spike that will cancel all on campus classes before Christmas.

    I thought teachers were supposed the care about children.

    1. … and they are mandating each student to receive individual feedback ONCE PER WEEK.

      Great another 15 minute zoom session.

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