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Council To Consider Adoption Of 2020-2021 San Marcos CDBG Action Plan

Corridor Staff

The San Marcos City Council will consider the reallocation of $722,904 of the Community Development Block Grant entitlement funds for the program year 2020-2021.

The reallocation will be made through the adoption of the CDBG Action Plan for 2020-2021.

The council held a public hearing on June 16 and discussed the applications received and potential projects and programs for the 2020-2021 CBDG Entitlement Allocation.

The action plan included $268,000 for making Centro Cultural Hispano de San Marcos more accessible and energy-efficient, $60,000 for advocacy services for abused and neglected children, $23,656 for housing counseling through Habitat for Humanity, $100,000 Owner-Occupied Home Renovation for Southside Community Center, $43,248 for Priority Repair, $84,000 for Homebuyer Assistance and $144,000 for Program Administration.

The council will also consider two amendments to the 2019-2020 CBDG Action plan.

The amendments reallocate $125,000 from the Paul Rena Park Project to a new program for Substandard Home Demolition and award $105,530.00 to Hays County to increase or improve COVID-19 testing in the City of San Marcos.

During their June 16 meeting, the council directed staff to post for public review and comment the proposal to reallocate funding for the Paul Pena Park Project for a project to help provide funding for the demolition of homes deemed substandard by Code Compliance to those who cannot afford to demolish the structures.

The city is proposing using $105,530.00 of the CDBG-Coronavirus Response allocation of $425,261 to help the county provide more testing opportunities to San Marcos residents.

According to the agenda, if awarded, the funding could be used by the county for a variety of possible expenditures, all with the objective of providing additional testing or improving testing to citizens of San Marcos residents.

Funding might be used for the purchase of test kits, cost of lab testing, site staffing, sampling facility expenses, or other related activities, subject to CDBG requirements.

The San Marcos City Council will convene for their virtual meeting at 6:00 PM.

Persons wishing to speak during the citizen comment period please submit their written comments to citizencomment@sanmarcostx.gov no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting.

The first 10 comments will be read aloud during the citizen comment portion of the meeting. Comments shall have a time limit of three minutes each.

Any threatening, defamatory or other similar comments prohibited by Chapter 2 of the San Marcos City Code will not be read.

Residents can also register with the city clerk’s office to speak in person. Registration must also be completed by Noon on the day of the meeting.


  • View this week’s agenda HERE.
  • View this week’s agenda packet HERE.
  • View live or previous meetings HERE.
  • View previous meeting minutes HERE.
  • Watch meeting live on the following cable stations
    1. Grande Communications: Cable Channel 16
    2. Spectrum: Cable Channel 10

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