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San Marcos P&Z To Consider Zoning Request For Light Industrial, Residential Along Proposed FM 110

Corridor Staff

Tonight, the San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will consider four rezoning requests for an approximate total of 380 acres adjacent to the future FM 110.

The property was annexed into the San Marcos City limits in 2008.

It is currently vacant and surrounded almost exclusively by vacant, rural/agricultural land as well as the San Marcos River to the northern-most extent of the tract according to the agenda.

FM 110 is proposed to be located directly adjacent to the property, and the right-of-way for it has already been dedicated.

According to the agenda, the developer is requesting a zoning change to Light industrial for 38 acres of the property for light industrial and commercial uses.

The developer is also asking for the rezoning of the 342 remaining acres to Character District 3, CD-4 and CD-5.

The breakdown of the acreage in the rezoning requests is:

  • Approximately 220 acres to CD-3
  • Approximately 79 acres to CD-4
  • Approximately 43 acres to CD-5

The development code that a request for LI zoning in an area of stability and low density is not preferred.

According to the agenda, staff the proposed zoning changes is not preferred and not compatible with the surrounding uses; however, “the subject property’s location abutting the proposed FM 110 San Marcos eastern loop may provide justification for support.”

Staff’s recommendation states the request meets the intent of an Employment Corridor identified on the Preferred Scenario Map, and they are providing a neutral recommendation to the commission for consideration.

The agenda also states that while CD-5, CD-4, and CD-3 are to be “considered” in low-density areas and is compatible with surrounding uses, the area immediately adjacent to the future FM 110 thoroughfare is not appropriate for single-family lot development.

Staff is providing a neutral recommendation for all three residential zonings.

In addition, Staff noted 12.5 acres of the property slated for consideration of being rezoned as CD-5 is located in the regulatory floodway.

The San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission will convene for a virtual meeting at 6:00 PM.

Submit your public comments or requests to speak to planninginfo@sanmarcostx.gov no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting.


  • View this week’s agenda HERE.
  • View this week’s agenda packet HERE.
  • View live or previous meetings HERE.
  • View previous meeting minutes HERE.
  • Watch meeting live on the following cable stations
    1. Grande Communications: Cable Channel 16
    2. Spectrum: Cable Channel 10

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