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Circuit Of The Americas Intake Facility Reopened For Evacuees

Austin, TX – Due to exceeded demand for safe sheltering options from Hurricane Laura, Austin Area shelters hit capacity around 5:30 AM Wednesday morning.

As of 10 AM, Wednesday, Circuit of the Americas (COTA) has reopened as a rest area for evacuees.

Those seeking shelter from this weather event are welcome to wait at COTA to see when more hotel rooms become available.

Once confirmed, shelter rooms will be on a first come first served. While at COTA, basic amenities will be provided. 

Those who do not wish to utilize COTA as a rest stop are encouraged to call 2-1-1 for assistance in identifying the next closest sheltering location.   

Additionally, we have established a system to provide evacuees with important updates and information by text message while they are staying in the Austin area.

Text the word “ATXShelter” to 888-777 to be signed up for updates or call 512-978-1510 for the same updates that would be received via text message. 

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