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Local Clinic Addresses Exorbitant COVID-19 Testing Charges In

On Tuesday, Premier ER & Urgent Care released a statement regarding their “commitment to Honest and Transparent COVID Test Pricing.”

The statement came after the Texas Tribune released a story Saturday, Sept. 5, after a doctor at Physicians Premier ER’s insurance was charged over $10,000 for a COVID-19 antibody.

According to the Tribune, Dr. Zachary Sussman was “so dismayed” by the bill for a test, whose materials only cost approximately $8, he quit.

Inquiries from ProPublica have led the insurance company’s parent company to investigate the claim, which could lead to repayment or law enforcement involvement, the Tribune reported.

According to the Tribune, the case is the latest showing how providers have occasionally charged exorbitant prices for visits and inexpensive COVID-19 tests.

Premier ER & Urgent Care said they have been disappointed with some healthcare providers overcharging for screening and testing of the virus.

“Billing errors, unfortunately, can happen in the complicated process of medical billing,” Premier said. “However, in many cases these exorbitant patient bills are not errors.”

While Premier noted Physicians Premier ER has a similar name to their own, they are not associated with them in any way.

“We know and respect the hard work doctors and nurses put in to keep their patients healthy during this pandemic,” Premier said.

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