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Kyle City Council Approves Resolution For Bond Election Arrangement

Staff Reports

At their September 1 meeting, the Kyle City Council approved a resolution to arrange how its upcoming bond and charter elections will appear on the November Ballot.

The city is proposing nearly $50 million in large-scale projects and is seeking voters approval to fund it through property taxes.

The bond election that has been called will have two propositions, A and B, which will appear on the ballot before the city’s five recommended Charter Amendments.

Proposition A aims to fund a proposed 64,000-square-foot public safety center for the city’s police department, a $37 million project.

Kyle is also seeking voter approval to finance $10 million for the purchase of property to go toward the creation of a regional sportsplex and festival grounds.  

According to the city, if Proposition A is passed, the city anticipates a property tax rate increase of an estimated $0.0744 per $100 valuation during the 20-year lifecycle of the general obligation bonds.

If Proposition B passes, the estimated tax rate increase is $.0201 per $100 of valuation for the next twenty years.

Under Prop A, the average property owner with a $216,000 home within the City of Kyle would see their property taxes increase approximately $13.50 per month, or about $160.50 per year, beginning in October 2021.

Under Prop B, the average property owner with a $215,762 home within the City of Kyle would see their property taxes increase approximately $3.61 per month, or about $43.37 per year, beginning in October 2021.

To find out more about the Special Bond Election and Special Charter Amendment Election, check out the city’s website here.

In other news, Kyle voters will also have the opportunity to vote for Mayor and City Council Member Districts 2 and 4.

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