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San Marcos Citizen Committee To Study Use Of Force Opens To Applicants

The City of San Marcos is accepting applications for membership on the San Marcos Police Department (SMPD) Use of Force Policy Ad Hoc Committee. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, Sept. 30.

The committee’s charge is to study the Use of Force policies of SMPD, compare those policies to national standards, and make recommendations to the City Council. This Committee will meet at regular intervals until its work is completed.

The committee will be comprised of 15 members appointed by City Council and will serve a limited term until the work of the committee is completed.

When considering appointments to the positions on the Committee, Council shall endeavor to appoint a diverse group of individuals who will work in earnest and in good faith to complete the charge of the committee.

To be eligible for membership, applicants must live within the San Marcos city limits or the ETJ. To apply, send this completed form, as well as proof of residency, to the City Clerk at either of the addresses listed on the application.

For more information, contact bklett@sanmarcostx.gov.

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