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Hays County Audit Identifies 160 Unreported COVID Hospitalizations

Staff Reports

On Thursday, Hays County reported 161 hospitalizations that went unreported to the local health department previously.

According to a release from the county, the Hays County Local Health Department (HCLHD) receives information from medical providers, hospitals, laboratories and other entities regarding COVID-19 cases including new cases, active cases, recoveries, fatalities and hospitalizations.

County officials said recently, the HCLHD received reports of hospitalizations that were not previously provided.

Following an internal audit along with detailed reviews of the information flow process with providers, we have confirmed that 160 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 were hospitalized but not provided to the health department.

Hays County has updated their data to reflect the unreported cases; however, the COVID-19 dashboard will take some time to reflect the new data due to a longer updating process.

The Hays County Local Health Department said they will continue to collaborate with all reporting entities to ensure all COVID-19 cases and other infectious diseases, are accurately reported in a timely manner to local officials and the public.

The full statement from the county can be read below.

The Hays County Local Health Department (HCLHD) receives information from medical providers, hospitals, laboratories, and other entities regarding COVID-19 cases including new cases, active cases, recoveries, fatalities, and hospitalizations.

The HCLD then releases that information to the public via regular updates.

Recently, the HCLHD received reports of hospitalizations that were not previously provided.

Following an internal audit along with detailed reviews of the information flow process with providers, we have confirmed that 160 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 were hospitalized but not provided to the health department.

Therefore, those hospitalization cases were not included in the daily updates issued by the health department.

The numbers will now be reflected in the total number of hospital cases reported. On the COVID-19 dashboard, the graphics for cases over time are being updated but that is a longer process so those will not be updated when you view the dashboard.

Once that is complete, we will let everyone know.

Moving forward, the HCLHD will continue to collaborate with all reporting entities to ensure all COVID-19 cases, and other infectious diseases, are accurately reported to the health department in a timely manner.

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