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Discovery Center To Offer Curbside Pickup For A Limited Time

For a limited time, starting Wednesday, Oct. 7, the San Marcos Discovery Center will offer curbside pickup for native plants purchased at the online store.

Customers may schedule curbside plant pickups from 9 AM to 4 PM, Wednesday through Friday, and 9 AM to 1 PM Saturday at the Discovery Center, 430 Riverside Drive.

“We expect this sale to wrap up in November, so we encourage folks to purchase their plants early,” said Conrad Chappell, Discovery Center Specialist. “Our staff and volunteers will happily walk interested customers through garden planning by phone or email, so they can choose the right plant for their garden goals.”

The online store has a wide variety of plants for sale, including trees, grasses, milkweed, and flowering natives. Plants are priced according to the size of the pot, starting at $2.50 for a four-inch pot.

Customers may also choose among Discovery Center products, such as T-shirts, compost tea, and worm castings.

Residents will be able to shop online here starting October 2. 

For more information, contact cchappell@sanmarcostx.gov.

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