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Local United Way Gets Creative And Re-Imagines Fundraiser, TASTE, Due To Covid-19

San Marcos, Texas – Teaming up with Utah-based company, Bandwango, United Way has completely re-imagined their annual fundraiser, TASTE, this year to be TASTE TOUR 2020, a culinary tour of local restaurants throughout Hays and Caldwell Counties.

Instead of attending the annual in-person event where guests get to taste culinary delights from local restaurants, the TASTE TOUR brings the tastings to them!  Supporters can purchase a digital TASTE TOUR 2020 passport for $35 at taste.unitedwayhaysco.org.

Then, throughout the months of October, November, and December, TASTE TOUR passport holders can redeem offers from a number of favorite local restaurants, who at previous TASTE events have showcased a range of menu selections. With over 20 participating restaurants, there is something for everyone.

As an added bonus, several local shopping destinations are providing coupons that are exclusive to passport holders.

“We knew that TASTE would have to look a lot different this year due to COVID-19. Never did we think that our community, our country, and the world would be facing a challenge like the current COVID-19 pandemic. We are seeing more and more of our community members reach out for help paying bills, finding childcare, and putting food on their table.” said Michelle Harper, United Way of Hays and Caldwell Counties President and CEO. “We wanted to create an experience that would not only raise critical dollars for our partner programs and agencies helping those in need but would drive business to our local restaurants who are hurting because of the pandemic. They have supported us through their participation in TASTE for the last 10 years and now it is our turn to help support them.”

As of September 27, participating vendors include Brooklyn’s Down South; Cody’s Restaurant Bar & Patio, Figaro’s Pizza and Pub; Los Olivos Market, Buda; Market Street Café; Mochas and Javas; North Street Beer Bar & Curry Shop; Palmer’s Restaurant Bar & Courtyard; Rolling in Thyme & Dough; Texas Roadhouse; ThunderCloud Subs; Tiff’s Treats Cookie Delivery; Two P’s & Calli’s Boutique; Water 2 Wine; Weusi Wellness Café. More destinations are being added weekly.

Passport holders will be dining out across Hays and Caldwell Counties for a great cause. All proceeds from the TASTE TOUR 2020 benefit United Way of Hays and Caldwell Counties programs and partner agencies.

All dollars will ensure that children who are victims of neglect or abuse have the necessary essentials like clothes, shoes, and even stuffed animals while they are having to shelter at the Greater San Marcos Youth Council; provide hot and healthy meals to thousands of shut-in senior citizens through Meals on Wheels; fund mentoring programs for hundreds of students in school districts throughout our communities through Girls Empowerment Network and Big Brothers Big Sisters; provide food and assistance bags to the homeless from the Hays County Food Bank; assist residents of San Marcos Public Housing Authority make and execute a plan that will allow them to move out of public housing; give hope to families of children born with a learning or physical disability by funding therapy services through Any Baby Can and so much more.

Last year over 50,000 Hays and Caldwell County residents utilized the programs and services funded by United Way and many more are in need this year.  In Hays and Caldwell Counties over 49% of residents are either below the poverty line or they are what United Way terms “ALICE” or Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed.

They are hard-working individuals who unfortunately are not making the minimum amount of $64,000 for a family of four to make all of their ends meet.

They are one crisis away… a medical diagnosis, vehicle breakdown, reduced hours at work, or any number of everyday issues… from needing the help and support from United Way’s partner programs.

TASTE TOUR 2020 funds will help provide critical funds to programs that help Hays and Caldwell County residents in need.

“This event is a chance to have fun and try new restaurants while supporting your community,” said Harper. “For the cost of your Passport you not only get great culinary experiences, but you also get the satisfaction of knowing that your contributions go towards creating significant lasting changes in our community.” 

TASTE TOUR 2020, presented by Kissing Tree, is made possible in part by the generous donations of the following community organizations and individual sponsors:  HEB, Ozona National Bank, Lindsey Hill Development, and Texas Regional Bank.

Sponsorships are still available by contacting the United Way office at 512.353.1420 or by email at michelle.harper@uwhays.org.

Passports for TASTE TOUR 2020 are on sale now online at taste.unitedwayhaysco.org.

Individual Passports are $35. Individuals can also purchase the passport to be gifted to others through the same link.

For more information about TASTE TOUR 2020 Passports and sponsorships and to keep current with United Way of Hays and Caldwell Counties events, programs and community partners visit www.unitedwayhaysco.org or email michelle.harper@uwhays.org.

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