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Texas Voters To Decide on $5 Billion in Bond Propositions

by Peter Partheymuller


School districts account for vast majority of projects in May bond election

Voters throughout the state will have in their hands the fate of hundreds of projects and more than $5 billion worth of bond funding when they go to the polls tomorrow. Eighty-five local entities have called bond elections for May 7, almost 90 percent of them school districts.

In addition to public education, the bond propositions include projects put forth by cities, one community college district and two port districts. The port projects total more than $100 million in contracting opportunities and range from smaller water and waste water improvements to ship berth modernization and rail enhancements to a $35 million dock expansion.

Strategic Partnerships, Inc., has available for sale its Texas Bond Package, which provides a list of every public entity that will hold a bond referendum May 7. It also includes the dollar amount of each bond proposition and details on the proposed projects. Purchasers of the bond package will be emailed complete election results Monday, May 9. Additionally, information will be provided with the results document that outlines bond elections currently being discussed for November of this year and beyond.

The school districts vary widely in what they’re planning to accomplish if the bond packages are approved. Two suburban Dallas districts, for example, are each requesting voters to OK more than $400 million worth of projects. That money will go to a variety of projects, from technology enhancements directly benefiting classrooms and students to new school construction and maintenance of existing schools. District leaders also are planning for future expansion with land purchases.

Other public education leaders have much more modest plans in mind. A small district northwest of Fort Worth needs to replace perimeter fencing around school property and to add security features like an intercom and “buzz-in” system at a school’s entrance. Another small school district, this one in Central Texas, has put up the smallest bond package and its officials are hoping to pay for HVAC improvements and the addition of new classrooms.

Meanwhile, municipal leaders are planning to build sports complexes, complete library expansions, do road work and build fire stations. A small South Texas city is requesting $4.5 million to develop wells as an alternative source of groundwater for its residents. In a suburb of Austin, officials are counting on voters to approve more than $70 million in debt, most of which would go for street improvements and maintenance.

Not all of these May 2016 bond elections will meet with voter approval. Be sure to order a copy of the Texas Bond Packagefor May 2016 to remain up to date on all of the procurement opportunities.

This article originally published by Strategic Partnerships, Inc.

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