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Governor Abbott Surges Additional COVID-19 Resources To El Paso

AUSTIN – Governor Greg Abbott Thursday announced that the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) are surging additional medical personnel and equipment to the El Paso region to assist with the community’s COVID-19 response.

DSHS is deploying over 460 medical personnel to the region this week, and the agencies are sending a Texas Emergency Medical Task Force ambulance bus, medical incident support team, five ambulances, and mobile medical unit to assist first responders.

DSHS is also deploying 48 patient monitors, 25 medical beds, and 30 oxygen concentrators to support area hospitals. 

These resources build upon the medical personnel and personal protective equipment (PPE) previously deployed by TDEM and DSHS last week, more than doubling the number of personnel on the ground in El Paso to help care for COVID-19 patients. 

TDEM has provided millions of pieces of PPE to support El Paso’s COVID-19 response. Currently, El Paso’s emergency response warehouses are stocked with over 4.8 million masks, over 629,000 gowns and coveralls, over 400,000 gloves, over 38,000 face shields, and additional PPE that has been provided by TDEM.

“The medical personnel and supplies we are deploying to El Paso build upon the resources the state previously sent to the community and will provide much-needed support to area hospitals and first responders,” said Governor Abbott. “The State of Texas will continue to work with local officials to protect public health and help the El Paso community mitigate the spread of COVID-19.”

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