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San Marcos Announces 5th Annual Bin It To Win It Champion

The City of San Marcos Resource Recovery Department is pleased to announce that for the third consecutive year, Vintage Pads Apartments is the official champion of the annual Bin it to Win it recycling competition.

Bin it to Win it is a six-week, fun-filled competition between apartment complexes who battle to improve recycling rates, encourage active participation among residents, and educate participants about available recycling opportunities.

Apartment complexes are awarded points based on the amount of material recycled, the number of events hosted, and their participation in social media challenges and marketing. 

Other participating apartment complexes included Riverside Ranch, Village on Telluride, Westfield Apartments, and The Local Downtown.

“This contest shows us what can be achieved through community partnership,” said Heather Wooten, Resource Recovery Program Coordinator. “By working together, the recycling contamination rate was reduced by 10% at Vintage Pads. We greatly appreciate the support and cooperation from all participants. Multifamily recycling is full of challenges, and this award is a testament to our shared commitment to create a more sustainable San Marcos by working to reduce our footprint through landfill diversion.”

The 6th annual Bin It to Win It competition is postponed until Spring 2021. For more information about multifamily recycling services, please contact Heather Wooten at hwooten@sanmarcostx.gov.

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