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COVID Expert Returns To Big Ideas TXST, Discusses Progression Of Pandemic, More

SAN MARCOS – Rodney Rohde, a professor in the College of Health Professions and chair of the Clinical Laboratory Science Program at Texas State University, returns to the Big Ideas TXST virtual studio to discuss the looming third spike of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rohde’s interview may be heard on episode 10 of the podcast, available now.

In early March, Rohde appeared on Big Ideas TXST episodes 3 and 4 to discuss the emerging novel coronavirus and the health threat it posed.

Now, more than eight months later, Rohde revisits the subject to discuss how much the world medical community didn’t know back then, how much more is known about the virus now, the staggering death toll in the U.S., and the prospects of navigating the looming third spike of the virus this winter. 

Big Ideas TXST is a monthly podcast from Texas State’s Division of University Advancement that goes inside the fascinating minds forging innovation, research, and creativity at the university.

Hosted by Daniel Seed, a lecturer in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, each episode features thoughtful interviews and discussion with the thought leaders developing innovative ideas to make the world a better place.

Big Ideas TXST can be found at news.txstate.edu/inside-txst/big-ideas-podcast. The podcast may also be listened to or subscribed to at:

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  1. “Looming third spike of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    … and yet the only things we haven’t thrown at the wall in this spaghetti mess of a response is:

    1. Admitting failure.
    2. Doing NOTHING. (Finally… Do No Harm?)

  2. This is garbage science. He fails to adjust for population growth or the clearly evident age related issues associated w/ the Rona. Instead he attacks the national response.

    Kinda no wonder this was posted immediately prior to the election. He is fear mongering. When he could be pointing out the scientific realities. Somewhere near 80% of COVID deaths are in the retiree age group. Most have already exceeded their life expectancy. Factor those variances out and microscopically few die from COVID.

  3. Yup, at roughly the 2/3ds mark, he makes the emotional plea, not a scientific one. Just imagine if its your mother. Think of the lab technicians.

    Next week (yesterday) is election day, we need to take action. — He is careful in how he states it, but he does like the two following unsupported predictions about the winter.

    Just get on with your lives. Stop listening to these people. They will keep you locked in fear until you stand up for yourself.

    It was good to see people out trick-or-treating.

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