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Austin Selected for National Wildlife Program with Humane Society of the U.S.

The Humane Society of the United States launched  a new program with shelters and animal care and control facilities in five communities across the nation to deal with urban wildlife conflicts in humane and effective ways. Wild Neighbors communities will receive training, resources and step-by-step assistance for implementing the most effective science-based techniques for solving conflicts with wildlife. This includes professional training for community leaders, animal control and police, educational seminars for the public and assistance in the implementation of effective and humane management plans and protocols for wildlife.



Wild Neighbors pilot communities include: Arlington, Virginia; Austin, Texas; Boulder, Colorado; San Diego, California; and Washington, D.C. Rather than calling for the trapping and killing of “nuisance” wildlife, these cities recognize the value and importance of wildlife in urban areas, prioritize effective and humane solutions for conflicts with wildlife, and help foster an appreciation of wildlife among residents. Twenty more Wild Neighbors communities will be added over the next five years.


Nicole Paquette, vice president of wildlife protection for The HSUS said: “We are so pleased to be working with our five Wild Neighbors pilot communities. These agencies are leaders in how they address wildlife issues in their communities and can now serve as role models for other communities across the nation.”


Tawny Hammond, chief animal services officer for Austin Animal Services said: “We are very excited to be part of the Wild Neighbors program here in Austin, Texas. Ghandi said that ‘The greatness of a nation and moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated.’ The same can be said of cities and Austin has made a commitment to being the best managed city in the nation and with that commitment comes the dedication to having the best fact based programs and policies for wildlife as well as pets. We are looking forward to working with The Humane Society of the United States as we create a more humane world for animals and people.”



  • Every year millions of wild animals are unnecessarily killed with traps and other cruel methods in misguided and ineffective attempts that don’t address the root causes of conflicts between people and wildlife.
  • The Wild Neighbors program builds on The HSUS’s work over the last 30 years to change how wildlife conflicts are handled in urban areas by providing training, consultation and resources to community leaders and animal care and control agencies. The HSUS has provided training, consultation and resources to more than 1000 communities in the U.S. last year alone.

For more information about the Wild Neighbors program, contact: wildneighbors@humanesociety.org.

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