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Nine Local Organizations Participate In 2020 Giving Tuesday

Nicholas Vaneck | Reporter

Giving thanks on Thursday, late in November, has for quite some time been followed up by commercial shopping for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.

However, every year the following Tuesday after Thanksgiving is a day for giving back called GivingTuesday.

I Live Here I Give Here aims to encourage generosity toward communities and nonprofits around the world this Tuesday.

With Covid-19 still present in everyone’s daily lives, some small businesses and nonprofit organizations that rely on philanthropy activation may struggle to keep their doors open.

This is where I Live Here I Give Here would like to ask the Central Texas community to help give back to those who need it.

They aim to raise dependable and unrestricted funds that will allow local nonprofits to remain resilient by encouraging recurring gifts, which can be scheduled for a nonprofit organization of choice at AmplifyATX.org.

For anyone interested in helping and joining I Live Here I Give Here’s Giving Tuesday efforts they can visit ilivehereigivehere.org/givingtuesday

The following local organizations are participating this year:

For any additional details about the Giving Tuesday movement, you can visit their website, Facebook, or Twitter page.

Also, for any youth interested in helping and joining the movement they can visit GivingTuesday’s youth website for project ideas.

Below is a list of local organizations that are participating:

Other organizations involved: 

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