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Buda City Council Adopts Transportation Mobility Master Plan

BUDA, TX — The Buda City Council adopted an updated Transportation Mobility Master Plan (TMMP) at its December 1 meeting.

In 2019, the City of Buda started the process of updating the Transportation Master Plan to identify transportation needs, develop solutions, and prioritize improvements to allow the transportation system to keep pace with desired growth and development.

The City worked with citizens and stakeholders to identify and prioritize projects, develop policies, and create strategies that ultimately formed the updated Transportation Mobility Master Plan.

This plan also includes projects that fall in the jurisdiction of other regional agencies, but are critical to Buda’s transportation network. 

 The following priorities were identified for the City of Buda’s transportation network:  

  • Preserve small-town character
  • Add system capacity to accommodate rapid development
  • Increase east-west connectivity
  • Prepare for increased traffic from the SH 45 extension
  • Improve trail connectivity
  • Improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians

The following projects included in the TMMP will provide significant transportation benefits in Buda as growth in the City and the surrounding region continues:

  • Garlic Creek Parkway
  • Cole Springs Realignment
  • Robert S. Light Extension
  • Onion Creek Crossing at Cole Springs
  • Austin Street Improvements
  • RM 967/FM 1626 Intersection Study
  • FM 2001 Improvements
  • Old FM 2001 Improvements
  • West Goforth Improvements
  • FM 2770 Improvement
  • Intersection Improvements along RM 967
  • Intersection Improvements at IH 35 crossings
  • Garlic Creek Trail
  • Bradfield Trail   

The implementation process for the TMMP will be done in a series of steps, including establishing a Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee, establishing and adopting a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, establishing a Complete Street Implementation Committee, and adopting a formal Capital Projects Delivery Pipeline Process.

To see the full TMMP document and other information pertaining to the Transportation Master plan, please visit the City’s Buda Moves website page: https://www.ci.buda.tx.us/644/Buda-Moves

We have also provided the TMMP information and overview video: Transportation Mobility Master Plan Video 

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