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China Aid Activist Targeted By Protestors In Midland

Nicholas Vanecek | Reporter

Bob Fu is a pastor and activist who created China Aid in 2002, which is a non-profit organization that provides legal aid to persecuted Christians in China.

Starting in late September, protesters have started showing up in busses and out-of-state cars outside of his home, and have been every day since. The protestors claim that Fu is a communist spy.

Threats have been made from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) against Bob Fu and his family.

Protestors are declining to give their names, and when asked if they’re from Midland or surrounding areas they reply back that they are from the United States.

It is believed that Weigui Guo, who goes by his American name Miles Kwok, is responsible for sending the protesters to Fu’s house as stated in an article by World Magazine, and also by Midland Mayor, Patrick Payton in a CBS7 News interview.

Kwok has posted a video to Youtube where he admits to sending the protesters to Bob Fu’s house as a threat to Fu.

Jenny Cudd, a Midland local and someone who is quite familiar with the work that Fu does, spoke about the protesters on her Facebook page and to news teams.

She said in an interview with NewsWest9, ”It is an organized effort, we literally saw them coming off buses yesterday and they were handed a sign, flag, or a Bible.”

Cudd shows concern for Fu and his family as she stands outside between his house and the protesters.

Midland Mayor, Patrick Payton, spoke about the ongoing situation with Bob Fu. Bounty threats have been posted on both Twitter and Youtube said Payton.

Payton said that these people believe that Fu is a spy with the CCP, and that he holds power in their government because of this. He then lists off names of people that have been imprisoned and Fu would like released (since they claim he holds the power to do so).

When asked why Fu is being targeted Payton said it is a question that they still can not figure out. “I can’t really speculate on that. We can’t come to grips why someone in this organization is saying that he is a member of the communist party, when he has only ever been wanted by the communist party” said Payton.

They have Fu and his family placed in police protection. And they say that they will do whatever it takes to keep ensuring the safety of Fu and his family.

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