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San Marcos Announces Chief’s Advisory Panel Public Meeting

The San Marcos Police Department Chief’s Advisory Panel will host a public meeting at 6 PM on Dec. 21 at the San Marcos Activity Center, 501 E. Hopkins Street. 

Social distancing guidelines will be followed and masks are required for everyone attending the meeting.

The San Marcos Activity Center capacity is limited to 44 people. Attendance for the meeting will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Chief’s Advisory Panel’s purpose is to be resourceful in the formation of strategies, development of community policing concepts, solicitation of customer feedback, and the enhancement of community trust. Public meetings with the Advisory Panel are held on a quarterly basis.

“Together the Police Department and the Panel desire to forge new pathways to improved community relations through real conversations with community members on professional policing in the 21st Century, and how that policing impacts our residents,” said Chief Stan Standridge.  “I look forward to working with the Advisory Panel and strengthening our already productive relationship with the community.”

The meeting will also cover the most recent data for Cite & Release. The data is also available for the public on the Cite & Release Dashboard website found here.

For additional information regarding upcoming Advisory Panel meetings, visit the Chief’s Advisory Panel webpage.

For information about the meeting, contact Tammy Strakos at tstrakos@sanmarcostx.gov

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