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Austin & Travis County COVID-19 Orders Extended

Austin, Texas – On Wednesday, Dec. 15, the City of Austin and Travis County took steps to prevent further spread of COVID-19 by extending the Stay Home, Mask and Otherwise Be Safe Order through Feb. 16, 2021. 

Additionally, the Austin-Travis County Health Authority has extended the Health Authority Rules through Apr. 15, 2021, and included additional updates.  

Austin’s Order extends existing requirements for face coverings, social distancing, and limiting gatherings. It also adds quarantine requirements that are consistent with the updated Austin Public Health quarantine guidelines. 

Travis County’s Order also extends existing requirements for face coverings, social distancing, and limiting gatherings; and adds the same quarantine requirements.  

The Health Authority Rules extended existing requirements.

Additionally, the Rules now include requirements for quarantine (Rule 2.5), requirements for dine-in or indoor food or beverage services (Rule 5.6), and define “high-risk individuals” and “high-risk settings.” 

The new definitions align the Health Authority Rules with Austin Public Health’s recent change to quarantine guidelines.  

Both the Austin and Travis County Orders and the Health Authority Rules can be found on the Austin-Travis County COVID-19 Orders and Rules page

For more information and updates about COVID-19, visit AustinTexas.gov/COVID19

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