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Hays County Releases Limited COVID-19 Update Due To Technical Issue

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – Due to a technical issue, the epidemiology team was unable to run a full report today. Below is a limited update on COVID-19.

A full report is anticipated to be released on Friday morning.

Hays County Local Health Department (HCLHD) reports three COVID-related fatalities; a Kyle man in his 60s, a San Marcos man in his 60s and a Wimberley man in his 70s.

The department also reports 151 new lab-confirmed cases, seven (7) new hospitalizations, and eight (8) new hospital discharges.

According to Epidemiologist Eric Schneider, active cases of COVID-19 are on the rise in Hays County.

“We are experiencing the trend of higher numbers of virus cases seen in other areas of Central Texas,” he said. “The only way for us to get a handle on COVID-19 is to reduce our exposure as a community. That means limited outings, no large gatherings, and continuing to wear masks and wash our hands.”

A COVID-19 Fact Sheet is on the County website: https://hayscountytx.com/covid-19-fact-sheet/. The County’s COVID-19 info is here.

As with any emergency situation, www.HaysInformed.com, the countywide emergency notification blog, has a rolling list of important information regarding COVID-19.

Many local municipality websites also have information. Several local school districts also have their own COVID-19 dashboards as does Texas State University.

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