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Skate Park To Close Next Week For Graffiti Removal

The San Marcos Skate Park will be closed for graffiti removal Tuesday, Jan. 5 and Wednesday, Jan. 6. The park will reopen for use on Thursday, Jan. 7.

“We’ve seen a sharp increase in graffiti vandalism across the City this year and one of the hardest-hit locations has been our skate park,” said Jamie Lee Case, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation. “The extensive amount of vandalism on the structures will require the skate park to be closed for two days so that staff can remove the graffiti in the pool, bowl, and street areas.”

Used by skateboarders and inline skaters, the nearly $700,000 park opened in 2007 and was constructed following a grassroots effort led by the local skate community with City Council support.

The park has had a rash of vandalism this year including damage and destruction of fencing, signs, a portable toilet, and multiple cases of graffiti.

“Keep San Marcos Beautiful will host a community cleanup day for the rest of the park a little later in 2021,” said Amy Thomaides, Community Enhancement Initiatives Manager.

The park will reopen on Thursday, Jan. 7 to the adjusted park hours of 8 AM to 8 PM.

All-City parks and natural areas remain open daily for use from 8 AM to 8 PM. and park patrons are encouraged to continue following local, state, and federal COVID-19 protocols.

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  1. Pure idiocy, lack of understanding, and a total waste of money.. Graffiti is, and has always been part of the skate culture.

    1. I would agree **IF** you all kept it in the skate park. But your buddies are tagging private businesses, the VFW, and our churches too. Respect goes both ways.

  2. I have sent an email to city staff proposing the legit taggers, who paint beautiful murals downtown, conduct a mentoring session with these youngsters. They would teach them notion of being truly legit is being respectful and also can provide some art training. The outreach would be super cool the way I envision it. I will offer my public relations ideas if the city responds to my emails. The EXPENSIVE AND TOXIC ” soda blaster” may be no more, thanks to work/objections/rants years ago. You are welcome San Marcos.

  3. It’s “Art” and relevant commentary in a neutral space! Leave it alone and endorse free speech. It’s not going to impact the ride.
    As far as these artist tagging private businesses and churches… maybe your message does not engender respect among the ignored, powerless, and discarded. Why should they care about rules for concrete and tin, when the real rules of community and hope are abandoned for profit?

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