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San Marcos City Council To Discuss 2021 Charter Review Commission

Staff Reports

On Tuesday, the San Marcos City Council will discuss and consider the charge to the 2021 Charter Review Commission and provide direction to staff.

According to the agenda, the item will allow an opportunity for a majority of the City Council to vote on any specific matters the council would like the charter review commission to study and consider as it conducts it comprehensive review of the San Marcos City Charter.

On Dec. 15, the council received an update and held a discussion regarding periodic review of the San Marcos City Charter, the Charter Review Commission process and provided direction to staff for nominations and a potential charge to be brought back at a later date.

The last Charter Review Commission was appointed in 2017. The commission held a series of 12 meetings to consider possible amendments to the San Marcos City Charter.

The commission reviewed and discussed amendments suggested by individual members of the City Council, City Staff, Open San Marcos and the San Marcos Voice but also conducted a section-by-section review of the charter.

In other news, the City Council will discuss and consider nominations to the 2021 Charter Review Commission and provide direction to staff.

The commission will have six months to review the charter and provide recommendations to city council regarding their charge.

The San Marcos City Council will convene at 6:00 PM for their regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting will be virtual. Residents have until 12 PM on the day of the meeting to submit public comments or register to speak during public comments.

Comments should be submitted to the city clerk’s office at citizencomment@sanmarcostx.gov.

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