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SMISD – Bowie College And Career Week

Featured Photo: 3rd graders show off their favorite college tee shirts. 

Submitted by, Priscilla Delgado, Information Literacy Specialist


Future surgeon, 2nd grader Sabrina Steele.


May 16-20, 2016,  was College/Career Week at Bowie Elementary.  A different university and type of career was highlighted each day, and guest speakers visited classrooms to talk about their experiences in their jobs and in college.


Faculty and staff shared their favorite college memories and gave advice to students on what to do to prepare for life after high school.  Students and teachers wore college attire throughout the week. The last day of the week was a dress-up day in which students came to school dressed as what they want to be when they grow up.


Bowie students have bright futures ahead!


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