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Tech Start-Up Launches Virtual Reality Tour Commemorating 2015 Wimberley Flood

Explore the Flood Zone Through Wimberley from the Surface of the Blanco River


FishViews Incorporated, a Veteran-Owned Tech Start-up based in Wimberley, Texas has captured and published a 5 mile, 360o Panoramic journey on the Blanco River as it runs through Wimberley – a year after the Memorial Day Flood that forever altered the lives of many here in Texas. The Blanco River FishView journey winds through Wimberley under the once-flooded Ranch Road 12 Bridge and catalogues major residual damage to structures and habitats. It also captures the rebirth and ongoing recovery a year after the tragic flashflood that occurred last Memorial Day weekend. (Click here to get directly on the Blanco River in Wimberley ~2 miles upstream of Ranch Road 12 Bridge)


Scott Gallagher, Co-Founder of FishViews and Wimberley resident, participated in the victim recovery effort back in 2015 and has since had the goal of capturing a FishView map of the flood zone. Gallagher shared, “It is our hope that this visual record of a portion of the Blanco will honor the fallen, and those who assisted so valiantly in the recovery effort. Wimberley is an amazing place to live, and we all benefited incredibly from the community spirit of those who live here and those who traveled here to lend a hand. It was one of the most moving things I’ve ever experienced. We want folks to get on the Blanco via FishViews.com, float and explore as it runs through Wimberley, and see for themselves the residual devastation and the healing underway.”


FishViews Inc. (initially a Drone operation) first emerged in Texas back in 2014 after capturing a prototype FishView tour (from a boat) of Spring Lake (Aquarena Springs) in San Marcos, TX. Since then, FishViews has captured other Texas waterway miles from the surface perspective including the San Marcos River, Lady Bird (Town) Lake and Comal Springs/Landa Lake that will soon be published. Several other projects have been completed in Washington State.

 “FishViews are to waterways what Street View is to streets.”

 FishViews Inc. brings immersive exploration to waterways without having to be in the boat – from a desktop, mobile or virtual device. Advanced navigation features, water quality and other data integration, and social networking/ collaboration tools enable interaction and communication never before seen in waterway.

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