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Broadway Bank Educates And Helps Start Savings Accounts For 69 Crockett Students

In September 2015, Chris Owen, AVP-Market Manager of Broadway National Bank, attended a school partnership breakfast hosted by Crockett Elementary School. He discussed his idea with Principal Doug Wozniak for a project to encourage students to have perfect attendance. The incentive was to be vouchers for students to start news savings accounts at Broadway Bank.


On the last day of school –Friday, May 27—Owen returned to recognize 69 Crockett students who had perfect attendance during the 2015-2016 school year. Each of the 69 students received a $25 voucher to start, and continue saving for their futures.


“Broadway Bank has always supported community outreach and designates an entire division of employees to coordinate how and who to help in our local areas. Being a family run bank we recognize the importance of giving back and choosing to look at our communities as our neighbors. San Marcos is part of our “neighborhood” and the children are part of our future. These students made an effort to have perfect attendance and Broadway wants to help them get off to an even better start,” said Owen.


“We recognize how important it is to start their future right and saving for their next step.  We are proud to be partners to start their finances with the respect and care these children have taken with their perfect attendance. We want to grow our business by providing a long term relationship with the children and their families..our neighborhood!”

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